There are several common workplace accidents. If the correct safety procedures are followed by the company then these accidents can be prevented. Often those injured make personal toe injury claims and hire a personal injury lawyer and make a claim for compensation based on company negligence or the company not following proper safety protocols. These accidents also depend on environment, for example you may be more susceptible to workplace injury if you work in a warehouse full of tools or where you may need to lift heavy objects. There are several types of accidents which bring out such compensation claims.

The most common work place accidents are trips, falls and slips. This type of injury mainly happens due to slippery surfaces or things left sticking out or lying around that should not be there. It is the responsibility of the business to remove any holes or potentially dangerous equipment that could cause people to fall, trip up or slip over. Floors should be clean and dry; the company should make sure there are no objects lying about and ensure nothing is sticking out of anywhere that employees could trip over. More so, any dangerous areas should be clearly signposted and in dark areas there should be adequate lighting.

There are also common work place accidents through heavy lifting. Companies whose job descriptions include heavy lifting should run safety and training videos upon the employees’ induction and on a regular basis to refresh their memory. It is a common rule that when lifting knees should be bent and backs should be straight; this should really go without saying. It is the company’s responsibility to teach these techniques.

Falls are also common, and these tend to be from unstable ladders. This is not always the workers fault. The ladders and equipment that cause these injuries tend to be both dated and unstable. Companies should therefore always check their equipment and budget aside for updates of old equipment that is no longer safe or viable for the worker to use. This is a common serious workplace injury.

Workers may also be hit by an object from above which happens especially in areas with tools or warehouses. A factory or warehouse worker can be injured through objects falling off storage racks, trucks and this can cause broken bones, brain injuries and even death. This is also one of the injuries in the work place where a fairly substantial amount of compensation is awarded.

Repetitive strains can also be termed a workplace injury. Repeating the same actions for hours at a time can cause strains and muscle ache that can over time become more and more permanent. This is a common injury for people who work using typewriters or computers.

There is a legal obligation for the company to make sure their workplace is safe. The Health and Safety Executive was set up in Britain to protect employees by workplace regulations. Any employer who fails to meet these regulations faces prosecution. The employee makes a personal injury claim where usually claims are made based on the consequences of the accident such as disability, pain, emotional distress caused as a result. The personal injury lawyer would be the source of legal information and would help the employee with their accident claim and get this compensation.
